Senin, Oktober 31, 2011

the crown and the microphone

Oktober 2011,
Lembang, Bandung - West java
Another random moment with the queen, and it happened because of the microphone

Miss Univerrse 2011 + west java land = exotic!

with the warmness of Sundanese

Leila Lopes & Asri Aldina

2 komentar:

Martha-Happy mengatakan...

not much crowned lady can "use" the microphone rightly and not much the ones who is microphone's friend could be fit beautifully with the crown.
And you are one of woman whom i know, who is much deserved for the crown and can voice your filled brain through the microphone.

Keep rise and shine, dear asrialdina :)

dyne mengatakan...

grateful to have a bestie like you dear, lets rise and shine together!