Jumat, November 16, 2012

I'm Going Green

Start from early September 2012,
I move my professional life from Indosat to Bakrie Telecom,
Yellow to Green, It remains to be seen...

My New 'Bakrie Telecom' Family

SME Group Business

Just on time,
I join BTel basket ball team and i play for the company at Libastar 2012 ( Liga Basket antar Operator). We're going to play in the final on November 18th 2012.

Minggu, Juli 22, 2012

rules for schools

" Im trying to say about the hardness of getting good education in my country on one posting, but i think i couldn't do it perfectly... not even close"


I start with my own story when my sister wanna book one seat for my niece, my sister wants her daughter to study at islamic elementary school because she thinks government schools are no longer fit with her vission and mission. Like other young parents, my sister wants the kids think globally - act locally - but it should be Syar'i.

Our government schools didn't put those things on six years elementary education systematically. The Answer for her consideration is islamic private school, when the school fee is more and more expensive than the government school.

My Sister already pick one perfect islamic private school for her daughter but the tuition is about one secondhand car, this is not perfect :p

Can we give the highlight of these matters? good education equal with big money? so far the answer is YES! If elementary school need Rp 25.000.000, how about junior high school, senior high school, college?

I think this is more than just 'money talks', when money can make a new rules for getting higher education can money make a new opportunity to get higher education without money itself?

When I write this, I also on a struggling process of getting Master scholarship... sounded like I'm dying to get it but it is right.. I'm about to see how these opportunities will welcome me :)

Keep struggling peoples!

Rabu, April 25, 2012

World is small, Heart is big

I never loose any words when it comes with measurement. Every single variable has their own method to define the measure of value. People judge people, this is the simplest and the meanest form of measurement. It doesn’t matter how rich and happy you are, but we still judge each other.

Most of the time, we forget how valuable we are because we have valuable peoples around us. Most of the time we only focus on our pain, sadness, dissapointment and rejection that came along in our way without being grateful of what we have. Sometimes, i did it too! I cant compromise with anything that will take away my happiness.... but ouuuchh i failed. This failue forced me to be able to have a deal and compromise with everything on my way. 

But now i believe every part of my pain, my sadness, and my disappointment are the strongest resource of my happiness.

Senin, Maret 26, 2012

Ketika BBM Pun Berima...

Mereka bilang pemerintah tidak pernah membuka berapa harga minyak itu sesungguhnya,
Mereka bilang lebih baik dulu zaman orba saat Pak Harto berkuasa,
Saya bertanya apakah pain killer seperti BLT akan berjalan sebagaimana mestinya?
Saya menerka tidak ada yang mampu menahan overheat production selama kenaikan ini bergerilya,

Headline media pun sudah terdengar mulai jenaka, cenderung basi...
Tertulis dan terpekik hampir setiap hari "Rakyat Aksi, Presiden Pergi"
Sudah banyak ahli memproyeksi, menganalisa pemerintahlah yang belum siap berkonversi,
Mencabut subsidi adalah klaim untuk menyesuaikan harga minyak mentah yang semakin tinggi,

April ini, kami akan kembali sendu,
Mahasiswa, LSM, ormas, sebagian besar dari mereka ternyata lebih memilih jalan untuk diserbu,
Pendemo lantang berteriak, pengguna jalan mulai rajin menggerutu,
Macet karena demo, bukannya satu hal yang lazim setelah orde baru berlalu?

I'm not blue, not even red...
but this is something about my Indonesia that bothering my head

with love,